contact //
janosch moldau records/labels & songs, 275 new north road islington suite 5146, london, N1 7AA, united kingdom - UK
janosch moldau records/labels / managed by schindler artists / schindler media gmbh / 10961 berlin / germany / phone +49 160 21 28 266 / fax +49 3222 9324 266
janosch moldau / janosch moldau labels / lc-14654 / music and merchandise / blumenstr. 9a / 89231 neu-ulm / de official fanclub: p.o.box 1105 / 89201 neu-ulm / bavaria / germany
/ fa neu-ulm / german ust tax id # 151/252/30366 # VAT ID DE224971304
very special thanks to our official partners, sponsors, beloved fans and supporters :
initiative musik ggmbh (berlin/ger), DMV (deutscher musikverleger verband), the orchard/sony (new york/usa), motor entertainment gmbh (berlin), edel ag (hamburg), finetunes gmbh (hamburg), holger hauk (ger), andreas kämmerle (onkozert gmbh), sebastian lang ( http://arudb.de/ espresso + guitar tech, neu-ulm/ger), familie hermann (neu-ulm/ger), stadt neu-ulm (ger), frank bettenstedt (hattingen/ger), wonderland (ger), victoria koryttseva (moscow/ru), anastasia nikolaeva (moscow/ru), claus wöhrle (mesh[uk] fanclub/ger), petronella alejandra uccelli, birgit gerstenlauer (ger/pt), prof.mike kneidl (at), petra schmitt (ulm/ger), vidu werbung gmbh (ger), tobias müller (ger), blackboy#2, schindler media (berlin/ger), gerhard potuznik (vienna/at)
press enquiries [GAS] # motor entertainment gmbh / seelower str. 5 / 10439 berlin
press enquiries [usa,uk] # janosch moldau labels [distributed by the orchard new york city / sony music]
sayhello # mail(at)janoschmoldaurecords(dot)co(dot)uk
#_other jm sites/artist pages:
janosch moldau releases are available worldwide via motor music / motor entertainment gmbh LC-23438, rough trade distribution, edel ag, the orchard/sony music and janosch moldau labels (LC-14654)
amazon.de # amazon.co.uk # amazon.fr # amazon.com # amazon.co.jp # itunes(worldwide) # hmv(uk) # poponaut # recochoku.jp # topmusic.jp # (coming soon)